Friday 19 November 2021

Week ending 19th November 2021

 Hello Year One, 

We have had a very busy week. The highlight being the Diwali workshop, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

The children also finished painting and varnishing their Diwali divas and we turned all the candles on and danced! They really loved this!

We have been working on subtraction in maths and the children are beginning to understand number sentences now. The important thing is to help them develop the mathematical language for subtraction such as minus, the difference between, take away, subtract, fewer than and less than.

In our English lessons we have been exploring verbs, reconstructing incorrect sentences and summarising the key events in a story.



Next  week we will be exploring adjectives and using them in our sentences. We will be writing instructions from the bossy farmer to the duck in our story and creating a map as a plan for writing a postcard from the duck to her Aunt!


We are going to continue with subtraction by writing number sentences and looking at the cherry (whole/part model) and the bar model.


The children will begin to explore the work of Claude Monet. We will begin by sketching one of his famous paintings.


Next week the children will be looking at the symbols we use to report the weather. We will be setting up an experiment to measure rainfall.


The children will write/draw a recount of the Hannukah Story.


Thank you so much for all your support with the costumes for the Christmas performance and the decorations for the grotto. It really helps and is greatly appreciated.

There will be no spellings on the blog this week as we are introducing a new system which we will be using in class over the next two weeks.

Have a restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis