Friday 23 April 2021

Week ending 23rd April

 Hello Year One,

We have had a wonderful week as the weather has been glorious! The children have been outside on tree hunts, working on observational paintings of Spring/Summer flowers and having great fun with water play.

Let's hope the weather stays warm, as the children love outdoor activities, as you can see!

Next week the children will be writing their own version of 'a magic bean' story. We will be concentrating on digraphs au and ou and revising split vowel digraphs.

We will be continuing our work on multiplication in maths lessons and revising our number bonds during maths frequency sessions.

The children planted beans this week and they will be keeping a diary of their growth. We were lucky to receive a gift from Poppy this week. We now have caterpillars which we can observe as they transform into butterflies. We will also be learning the names for the different parts of a tree.

Our history lesson will be great fun as the children will be creating Tudor masks for a role playing session of a Tudor feast!

For RE we will begin our topic 'faith stories' as we look at stories from different religions and how they instil faith into their followers through these wonderful tales.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis