Friday 12 March 2021

Welcome Back Year One

 Welcome back!

It has been a fantastic week. The children have returned full of excitement and fun! They have settled extremely well and have thoroughly enjoyed all the science activities and  World Book Day. I have posted some pictures of the fabulous times we have had this week.

As you can see we have had a fun all week. World Book Day was a huge success. We carried out many science experiments and turned cream into butter and milk into cheese!
We were able to have outdoor play and lots of free time so the children could socialise with their peers.
We went on a walk and collected sticks to make 'stick people' with just sticks and string!


The children need to bring their reading bags and books in on Mondays and Thursdays only. The books will be changed on these days. We will be hearing the children read in groups and individually every day, but they do not need to bring them into school every day, only on Mondays and Thursdays.

The children need to have a full PE kit in school. They do not need to take it home every day, only when you want to wash it. As it is Spring they will need trainers and track suits for outdoor PE. As The weather becomes warmer they will need shorts and t-shirts.

We have a 'construction area' in the classroom as creating models and building is very popular. We will always want items such as toilet roll holders, small boxes, scraps of material etc

Next week we are spending our English lessons investigating, reading and writing about dragons. The final piece of writing will be a report on dragons. If you have any books, toys, pictures or games that are related to dragons it would be great if we could borrow them for the coming two weeks.

If anyone has spare uniform at home that is no longer worn please could you send it in to Year One. For many different reasons the children sometimes need to change their clothes and we have run out of spares! 

I wish you all a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.