Friday, 28 February 2020

Week beginning 24th February 2020

Welcome back Year One!

We have an exciting term ahead! We have already been to The Snow Centre, which was a fantastic trip. The children had great fun. It was great to see their beaming smiles and hear their shouts of joy. They were also extremely well behaved.

The children had great fun!

Some children enjoyed the spins!

Spring Two Plans


We have already begun our new story topic. The book is called 'Here Comes Mr Postmouse' and it tells the story of a post creature delivering mail to many other animals. The illustrations are amazing and the children learn different aspects of the story every day as they explore the pictures.
There is a wealth of learning coming from this book. The children have already learned to sequence the process our mail goes through. They have written invitations and thank you cards. The children will begin to use question marks and exclamation marks now. They will be completing all of Phase Five Phonics. As we progress through the topic work the children will write letters to each other, label houses and rooms.
Towards the end of this term we will be looking at report writing, reading different reports and finally writing our own reports.


This week we have been looking at problem solving. The children will compare values using 1:1 and familiar structures, find the difference between values and solving problems using comparison and difference. We will be recognising and understanding the value of different denominations of coins and notes. This will progress to counting coin combinations and comparing and ordering different combinations of coins.
We will continue repeating our counting in twos, fives and tens highlighting the patterns and counting with coins.
Towards the end of term the children will measure and begin to record lengths and heights, mass, capacity and volume.


We are focusing on Spring and Summer now. This is a great time of year to walk outside and notice the huge changes from Winter to Spring.  We will be finding out whether plants can live without water and light. The children will be learning how the length of the days change through the seasons and how this affects life forms. This topic will include exploring the weather and creating charts, recording the weather daily and using rain gauges.


'At The Farm,' links well with our science project as we explore different types of working farms. The children have already learned the difference between arable, livestock and dairy farming.
We will turn the class room into a farm and the children will role play a day on a working farm.
The children will learn how to read basic maps and how to use a key. They will be creating their own maps of farms. I am trying to arrange a trip to a working farm, I will keep you posted. We will be looking at the buildings used on farms and their purpose. This is a fun project and I am sure the children will love it!


We will be looking at the work of Monet this term. The children will create their own versions of one of the paintings, using chalk pastels. They will use tissue paper to make lillies. They will paint extensions of one of the 'garden' paintings.


We will continue to look at communities with a particular focus on the school. We will be thinking about how we can help and support each other at school.
The second section of RE this term is to explore praying, looking at the different types of prayer and worship and the objects used when praying.
Lastly we will cover 'The Easter Story.'


The children are gaining speed now when logging on to devices and using passwords. They will be discovering search engines and will carry out research for their projects by using books and the internet.
The children will use some of their ICT time to work on mathseeds.


This term's topic is 'Healthy Me,' as we explore all the things we can do to maintain good health.


  • It is great to see some of the home structures coming in to school. They are amazing and so different! The children get really excited to explore a home as it comes to  school and they are extremely proud of their work. They also explain how they have enjoyed working with members of their families on this project. The homes are due in by the end of this term
  • School reports will be taken home today. You can make comments on Gateway if you wish to.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis


Friday, 14 February 2020

Week beginning 10th June 2020

Hello Year One,

We are now half way through the year! I thought I would post a few happy memories of our year so far. There is also a wall display in our classroom with pictures of the children doing a variety of activities. Please pop in and have a look!

Lowry Art
Odd Socks Day

Odd Socks Day

A Mufti Day

The Christmas Production

The Christmas Story at Christ Church

Harvest Experience Day at Christ Church

Working with clay

Christmas Party

We have had lots of fun and I am sure we will make more memories as the year progresses.

I will send a blog at the end of the half term break, to let you know more details about our plans for the coming half term..

I have sent some handwriting sheets home for the children to use to practice their writing in the holiday. They also have spellings to learn. I hope they make use of mathseeds and reading eggs.

I wish you all a restful and happy half term holiday.

Ms Davis

Friday, 7 February 2020

Week beginning 3rd February 2020

Hello Year One,

This week we started a new book! It is called 'How To wash a Woolly mammoth' by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. It is essentially a series of funny instructions, which the children enjoyed. The children wrote their own list of instructions for hand washing and they had to follow a partner's instruction for 'lego' building. They have also followed dictation and used a piece of writing to recognise graphemes.
For maths the children have been working on benchmarks when adding. We use tens frames and other apparatus to help with this.
We had great fun creating sculptures from modelling clay.



We will continue with instruction writing. The children will be ordering instructions that have been muddled. They will write their own instructions for washing a creature and follow a series of instructions from a partner. We will be carrying out dictation as this is helping with sentence structure and punctuation. They will be given a piece of writing, which they use to highlight chosen graphemes. We have daily phonics and spelling sessions and the children will be practicing handwriting three times next week.


The focus will continue to be on benchmarks as the children use five, ten and twenty as they regroup for addition. We will move on to subtraction from twenty. The children will count over one hundred in ones, twos, fives and tens. We will revise days of the week, months of the year and seasons.


As we have been exploring materials and their properties we will be writing a list of the materials we will need to make our model home. We will explain why we have chosen these materials.


The children will be using a selection of pencils to draw still life pictures.


We will follow on from baptism to understand the story of the baptism of Jesus.


There will be an end of topic quiz to give the children the opportunity to demonstrate their learning from this project.


A positive attitude will be the theme for PSHE next week.

I wish you all a restful weekend.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Ms Davis