Dear Year One,
We have had an exciting and busy week. World Book Day was great fun and we all enjoyed playing the characters from Alice In Wonderland while we had The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The children's costumes were wonderful and they were so pleased to come and talk about their characters.
The children have been writing letters this week and we had a visit from Cameron's dad who used to be a postman. He left us with a post bag and jacket which the children are using for role play.
For maths this week we have been looking at combinations of numbers and problem solving. We have continued to work on letter writing in English. For World Book Day the children wrote their own 'dream stories.'
Next week is science week. We will be having a workshop on Tuesday morning. Thank you for the parents/carers who have volunteered to help. The workshop is on materials.
During the week we will be exploring the life and work of Charles Macintosh. We will be experimenting with materials that are and are not waterproof. We will be making birds as part of a whole school project.
Our focus next week is on money. The children will be using coins up to 20p and will be looking at combinations of coins to make different amounts. We will also be interpreting data in the form of a pictogram.
We will continue our project on letter writing. Next week we will be planning how to write a letter. Writing a draft copy, which will be edited and publishing a final copy. The children will be writing to each other. They will be addressing the envelope and applying the stamp. We will set this activity up as a post office. This will incorporate our maths as the children will have to purchase a stamp. They will have to post the letter and a post officer will come and empty the box and sort the letters according to post codes.
The letters will actually get posted and children will receive them by post.
Date for your Diary
On Thursday 28th March 2019 I will be offering parents/carers a presentation on phonics and how we teach this at Little Heath. This will start at 2.30pm and will be finished in time for you to collect the children at 3.10pm. The children will be working in another classroom. An email has been sent to you to confirm this.
I must apologise! I forgot to hand the children their spellings for next week. I am posting them below and will give them out on Monday.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The children will be learning these words at school but it really helps their progress if they also work on them at home.
There are some children who do not seem to have a P.E kit in school. They need a full kit at all times. They need shorts, a t-shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms and a warm top, such as a sweatshirt.
There are a few children who often come to school without their reading books. Please make sure your child brings their book and reading record back to school every day as the children read regularly.
The home project is going well. We have such a huge variety of homes now. The children are so proud of their structures. Thank you for supporting this. Each child will have a photo taken with their structure and this will go into their D and T book along with their own evaluations.
Have a relaxing and happy weekend.
Ms Davis