Dear Year One,
I am adding the spellings for next week.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Friday, 29 March 2019
Week beginning 1st April 2019
Hello Year One,
We have had a busy week. The children have continued to work with money in maths lessons. We also carried out several maths fluency sessions this week.
It was lovely to hear the excitement in the children's voices when they described receiving their letters. They wrote reports on pirates this week and were able to use titles and sub-headings. We also focused on our favourite stories. The children wrote book reports and were able to explain why they liked the stories and brief descriptions about the books.
More 'houses' have arrived and we have made the decision to keep them at school until 3rd May so that the children can share them during our class assembly.
It was great to see so many of you at the phonics meeting. I hope it was helpful. Don't forget to look on my page under 'sounds' as the information will be helpful.
We will begin to work on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children will be using number lines, tens frames and bead strings.
For our fluency sessions we will be focusing on number bonds to 10, 20 and 30 and odd and even numbers.
The children will be planning and writing adventure stories about pirates. They will write about their visit to the church, which takes place on Thursday 4th April at 9am.
We will be using water colour paints to extend a picture of a blossom tree.
We will be visiting the church and learning more about baptism in Christianity.
D and T
The children will complete their home structure evaluations.
On Monday morning we will be watching the KS2 production of 'Rock Bottom.' We are all very excited to see this show.
We will be finishing school at 2pm on Friday as it will be the last day of the Spring term.
I wish you a happy weekend.
Ms Davis
We have had a busy week. The children have continued to work with money in maths lessons. We also carried out several maths fluency sessions this week.
It was lovely to hear the excitement in the children's voices when they described receiving their letters. They wrote reports on pirates this week and were able to use titles and sub-headings. We also focused on our favourite stories. The children wrote book reports and were able to explain why they liked the stories and brief descriptions about the books.
More 'houses' have arrived and we have made the decision to keep them at school until 3rd May so that the children can share them during our class assembly.
It was great to see so many of you at the phonics meeting. I hope it was helpful. Don't forget to look on my page under 'sounds' as the information will be helpful.
We will begin to work on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children will be using number lines, tens frames and bead strings.
For our fluency sessions we will be focusing on number bonds to 10, 20 and 30 and odd and even numbers.
The children will be planning and writing adventure stories about pirates. They will write about their visit to the church, which takes place on Thursday 4th April at 9am.
We will be using water colour paints to extend a picture of a blossom tree.
We will be visiting the church and learning more about baptism in Christianity.
D and T
The children will complete their home structure evaluations.
On Monday morning we will be watching the KS2 production of 'Rock Bottom.' We are all very excited to see this show.
We will be finishing school at 2pm on Friday as it will be the last day of the Spring term.
I wish you a happy weekend.
Ms Davis
Friday, 22 March 2019
Week beginning 25th March 2019
Hello Year One,
This week has been very exciting. More of the home projects have come in to school. They are so impressive and all so different. It has really helped the children understand the variety of home structures that there are.

This week has been very exciting. More of the home projects have come in to school. They are so impressive and all so different. It has really helped the children understand the variety of home structures that there are.
The children have really enjoyed this project and you will be able to see their evaluations. As it is nearing the Easter holidays it would be helpful to have the remaining homes in this week. I would love to keep them at school, but as they are quite large (much larger than expected) they will have to go home on the last day of term. I am sure the children will want to keep them forever as I know how proud they are. Unfortunately they are taking up quite a lot of space in the class room so we will only be able to keep them here until the Easter holidays
We have also completed our letter writing project. The children were able to write to a friend in Year One. They put them in envelopes, addressed them and added the stamps. They are still in the process of experiencing the postal system in the class room so the letters will not be posted until next week.
We have been working with money all week and the children have been finding different coins to make different values.
Next week will be continuing to work with money for the first couple of days, then we will move on to counting and spotting patterns in 2s, 5s and 10s.
We will begin a new project for English which is report writing. The children will learn the purpose, layout, headings etc of report writing. They will complete the work by writing a report on pirates.
As we are exploring the seasons, next week we will be looking at day lengths in seasons.
The trees will begin to blossom soon, so we will be drawing and painting trees, using fine brushes and small strokes, as learned when working on Monet pictures. The children will use watercolour paints and will be painting the extension of a photograph of a tree.
We began the Easter story last week. Next week we will write it as a story map or a story board.
Dates for your diaries
On Monday 1st April at 9am it is sharing assembly. The children from Year One are:
Nicole Kamana
Lila Huseyin
Jayce Manzi
India Knappett-Shillinglaw
Leah Prime
Isabelle Brignull
Ethan Oncel
On Thursday 4th April at 9am I will be taking the children to the local church. It is located at the end of our road so we won't have far to walk. I may need a couple of parents to accompany us on the way to the church. The children will be learning more about the process and reasons for baptism. We have been exploring this in RE and it will make it more memorable for them to go to the church and see the baptism area and hear from a parent who is about to have her baby baptised.
On Thursday 28th March at 2.40pm it is the phonics screening meeting. This will give you greater understanding about why and how we teach phonics at Little Heath and will explain the screening process.
On Friday 3rd May at 9am it is Year One's class assembly.
Group One
Group Two
Group Three
I hope you all have a relaxing and happy weekend.
Ms Davis
Friday, 15 March 2019
Week Beginning 18th March 2019
Hello Everyone,
We have had an extremely busy week. As it was 'science week' we had a Materials Workshop on Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to help. The children had already covered a topic on materials so I was pleased to see how much they had remembered.
We have had an extremely busy week. As it was 'science week' we had a Materials Workshop on Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to help. The children had already covered a topic on materials so I was pleased to see how much they had remembered.
Today was Comic Relief day which was great fun. We had a half an hour's dancing in our class room and then another half an hour in the hall, so the children will probably be tired this evening.
As well as all the fun, we have completed a lot of work. The children planned, edited and published letters in English. In maths they have been interpreting data and working with money. We studied the work of Claude Monet and the children used chalks, oil pastels and watercolour paints to create their own version of 'Monet's Garden.'
We will be continuing to work with money. The children will be comparing values, ordering in terms of value and using money to buy things from our class shop.
It will be our last week focusing on letter writing. Towards the end of the week we will start a new project in English lessons, which will be report writing. The children will be writing, addressing and posting letters to their friends in Year One, so please expect some post this week!
The children will be learning about how the seasons affect animals and birds. They will be learning how animals behave during different seasons.
We will be starting The Easter Story next week. The first lesson will be to watch a children's video of the story, to listen to it being read and finally to role play the story.
D and T
The children will be writing about how they designed their home. They will explain the challenges they met and how they were overcome. They will take a photograph of their model.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The children took a set of spellings home with them today. Please encourage them to carry out 'look, cover, spell and check' a few times each week.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
Ms Davis
Friday, 8 March 2019
Week beginning 11th March 2019
Dear Year One,
We have had an exciting and busy week. World Book Day was great fun and we all enjoyed playing the characters from Alice In Wonderland while we had The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The children's costumes were wonderful and they were so pleased to come and talk about their characters.
The children have been writing letters this week and we had a visit from Cameron's dad who used to be a postman. He left us with a post bag and jacket which the children are using for role play.
For maths this week we have been looking at combinations of numbers and problem solving. We have continued to work on letter writing in English. For World Book Day the children wrote their own 'dream stories.'
Next week is science week. We will be having a workshop on Tuesday morning. Thank you for the parents/carers who have volunteered to help. The workshop is on materials.
During the week we will be exploring the life and work of Charles Macintosh. We will be experimenting with materials that are and are not waterproof. We will be making birds as part of a whole school project.
Our focus next week is on money. The children will be using coins up to 20p and will be looking at combinations of coins to make different amounts. We will also be interpreting data in the form of a pictogram.
We will continue our project on letter writing. Next week we will be planning how to write a letter. Writing a draft copy, which will be edited and publishing a final copy. The children will be writing to each other. They will be addressing the envelope and applying the stamp. We will set this activity up as a post office. This will incorporate our maths as the children will have to purchase a stamp. They will have to post the letter and a post officer will come and empty the box and sort the letters according to post codes.
The letters will actually get posted and children will receive them by post.
Date for your Diary
On Thursday 28th March 2019 I will be offering parents/carers a presentation on phonics and how we teach this at Little Heath. This will start at 2.30pm and will be finished in time for you to collect the children at 3.10pm. The children will be working in another classroom. An email has been sent to you to confirm this.
I must apologise! I forgot to hand the children their spellings for next week. I am posting them below and will give them out on Monday.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The children will be learning these words at school but it really helps their progress if they also work on them at home.
There are some children who do not seem to have a P.E kit in school. They need a full kit at all times. They need shorts, a t-shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms and a warm top, such as a sweatshirt.
There are a few children who often come to school without their reading books. Please make sure your child brings their book and reading record back to school every day as the children read regularly.
The home project is going well. We have such a huge variety of homes now. The children are so proud of their structures. Thank you for supporting this. Each child will have a photo taken with their structure and this will go into their D and T book along with their own evaluations.
Have a relaxing and happy weekend.
Ms Davis
We have had an exciting and busy week. World Book Day was great fun and we all enjoyed playing the characters from Alice In Wonderland while we had The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The children's costumes were wonderful and they were so pleased to come and talk about their characters.
The children have been writing letters this week and we had a visit from Cameron's dad who used to be a postman. He left us with a post bag and jacket which the children are using for role play.
For maths this week we have been looking at combinations of numbers and problem solving. We have continued to work on letter writing in English. For World Book Day the children wrote their own 'dream stories.'
Next week is science week. We will be having a workshop on Tuesday morning. Thank you for the parents/carers who have volunteered to help. The workshop is on materials.
During the week we will be exploring the life and work of Charles Macintosh. We will be experimenting with materials that are and are not waterproof. We will be making birds as part of a whole school project.
Our focus next week is on money. The children will be using coins up to 20p and will be looking at combinations of coins to make different amounts. We will also be interpreting data in the form of a pictogram.
We will continue our project on letter writing. Next week we will be planning how to write a letter. Writing a draft copy, which will be edited and publishing a final copy. The children will be writing to each other. They will be addressing the envelope and applying the stamp. We will set this activity up as a post office. This will incorporate our maths as the children will have to purchase a stamp. They will have to post the letter and a post officer will come and empty the box and sort the letters according to post codes.
The letters will actually get posted and children will receive them by post.
Date for your Diary
On Thursday 28th March 2019 I will be offering parents/carers a presentation on phonics and how we teach this at Little Heath. This will start at 2.30pm and will be finished in time for you to collect the children at 3.10pm. The children will be working in another classroom. An email has been sent to you to confirm this.
I must apologise! I forgot to hand the children their spellings for next week. I am posting them below and will give them out on Monday.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The children will be learning these words at school but it really helps their progress if they also work on them at home.
There are some children who do not seem to have a P.E kit in school. They need a full kit at all times. They need shorts, a t-shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms and a warm top, such as a sweatshirt.
There are a few children who often come to school without their reading books. Please make sure your child brings their book and reading record back to school every day as the children read regularly.
The home project is going well. We have such a huge variety of homes now. The children are so proud of their structures. Thank you for supporting this. Each child will have a photo taken with their structure and this will go into their D and T book along with their own evaluations.
Have a relaxing and happy weekend.
Ms Davis
Friday, 1 March 2019
Week beginning 4th March
Hello Year One,
The children settled in quickly after the holiday and have been working hard all week.
For maths we have been problem solving. In English we have been looking at the journey our mail takes and the children have been writing letters, thank you cards and invitations.
We have been looking at seasons again in Science, but this time with a focus on the weather.
The children enjoyed thinking about the school community in our RE lesson, with many of them recognising that people have to do many jobs to enable the school to run smoothly.
Today was pyjama day and this caused great excitement and they had a lot of fun.
I have given the children spellings to learn at home and at school next week. They will receive the spellings on a Friday and the following Friday they will have the test for those spellings. There are three groups for the spellings and I will post them on the blog each week. Remember there is also a copy in your child's book bag.
Group One
Group Two
Group Three
I am working through the lists of tricky words and high frequency words for each phase in the phonics scheme.
This term we will be learning:
We will continue with problem solving for another week. Following this we will be focussing on measures, money and counting in 2, 5s and 10s.
We are currently focussing on post and letter writing. I have some great books which the children are enjoying. These include 'Here Comes Mr Postmouse' and 'Meercat Mail.' The children also love the 'Jolly Postman' stories.
We are using these books as an inspiration for writing. Next week we will be writing a letter. We will also be learning how to write reports and will spend two weeks focusing on poetry.
Our focus this term is Seasons again, but this time with an emphasis on the weather and how the changes in the seasons affect our lives and the natural environment.
We have been learning about baptism and I do hope to take the children to the local church so that they can see where babies are baptised and hopefully hear more about the meaning of baptism.
We will move on to The Easter Story and the children will use a story board to sequence this story.
The children will be learning about the artist Claude Monet. We have already started this topic. They will be using chalk pastels and water colour paints to recreate the style and focus of impressionism.
The project is going well. The homes that the children have made are amazing. It also great for the rest of the family to get involved and as the children talk about their structures they are proud to explain who in their families did the different parts.
The children explain the materials they used, where they got the materials, how they made the structure and which parts they contributed to. They explain which parts of the project were challenging and they have learned about finer detail by seeing the tiny additions added to create authenticity.
We are all looking forward to the rest of the homes to arrive.
Next Thursday is World Book Day and I have already heard the children planning which character they would like to come to school as. They can bring the book that the character belongs to into school because we spend some time discussing this.
Our class theme will be 'Alice In Wonderland. ' I have already started to read the story and they are enjoying every moment! We will be role playing the story and this will include a 'Mad Hatter's' tea party. We will be using fine bone china and a teapot to create authenticity. I will provide some fruit for the party. If you do not want your child to have the fruit please let me know.
I hope everyone has a happy weekend.
Ms Davis
The children settled in quickly after the holiday and have been working hard all week.
For maths we have been problem solving. In English we have been looking at the journey our mail takes and the children have been writing letters, thank you cards and invitations.
We have been looking at seasons again in Science, but this time with a focus on the weather.
The children enjoyed thinking about the school community in our RE lesson, with many of them recognising that people have to do many jobs to enable the school to run smoothly.
Today was pyjama day and this caused great excitement and they had a lot of fun.
I have given the children spellings to learn at home and at school next week. They will receive the spellings on a Friday and the following Friday they will have the test for those spellings. There are three groups for the spellings and I will post them on the blog each week. Remember there is also a copy in your child's book bag.
Group One
Group Two
Group Three
I am working through the lists of tricky words and high frequency words for each phase in the phonics scheme.
This term we will be learning:
We will continue with problem solving for another week. Following this we will be focussing on measures, money and counting in 2, 5s and 10s.
We are currently focussing on post and letter writing. I have some great books which the children are enjoying. These include 'Here Comes Mr Postmouse' and 'Meercat Mail.' The children also love the 'Jolly Postman' stories.
We are using these books as an inspiration for writing. Next week we will be writing a letter. We will also be learning how to write reports and will spend two weeks focusing on poetry.
Our focus this term is Seasons again, but this time with an emphasis on the weather and how the changes in the seasons affect our lives and the natural environment.
We have been learning about baptism and I do hope to take the children to the local church so that they can see where babies are baptised and hopefully hear more about the meaning of baptism.
We will move on to The Easter Story and the children will use a story board to sequence this story.
The children will be learning about the artist Claude Monet. We have already started this topic. They will be using chalk pastels and water colour paints to recreate the style and focus of impressionism.
The project is going well. The homes that the children have made are amazing. It also great for the rest of the family to get involved and as the children talk about their structures they are proud to explain who in their families did the different parts.
The children explain the materials they used, where they got the materials, how they made the structure and which parts they contributed to. They explain which parts of the project were challenging and they have learned about finer detail by seeing the tiny additions added to create authenticity.
We are all looking forward to the rest of the homes to arrive.
Next Thursday is World Book Day and I have already heard the children planning which character they would like to come to school as. They can bring the book that the character belongs to into school because we spend some time discussing this.
Our class theme will be 'Alice In Wonderland. ' I have already started to read the story and they are enjoying every moment! We will be role playing the story and this will include a 'Mad Hatter's' tea party. We will be using fine bone china and a teapot to create authenticity. I will provide some fruit for the party. If you do not want your child to have the fruit please let me know.
I hope everyone has a happy weekend.
Ms Davis
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