Friday, 1 February 2019

Week beginning 4th February 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had an interesting and very different week! The snow brought so much fun and laughter. It was great to see the children enjoy the weather.

We really enjoyed our walk to the woods and the snowfall was an added bonus. The children returned from the walk and drew designs of the sculpture they wanted to make. The results are impressive.

There will be a display of this project up in the class room before half term. You will be able to see it at 'open afternoon.'



We will be working on numbers to twenty, using tens frames. The children are learning how to re-group numbers to make it easier to add and subtract. They will be learning how to count back from 20 to zero. 


Next week we will begin a two week project on 'instructions.' The children will be learning to write instructions and follow instructions. 


The children will be researching 'Victorian Homes' next week. They will be looking for differences and similarities between our homes today and homes from The Victorian Period. We will be looking at old photos and the children will decide whether they would like to live in a Victorian home.


We will be continuing our work on sculpture as the children will work in groups to produce a large model outside. We collected some large sticks and I have a large box, but if anyone has any natural items such as tree stumps etc they will be gladly received.


We will be continuing to group materials according to their properties.


The children will be thinking about something they wish to achieve and the steps they need to take in order to reach their goals.

Many thanks to all the friends and parents that accompanied us on our walk to the woods. 
Congratulations to Nathan as he has completed his home project and was proud to share his model bedroom with the class.

I hope that the children who have been unwell are feeling better. 

Ms Davis