Happy New Year,
I hope you all had a wonderful rest and a very happy Christmas.
We are excited to start the new term and have lots of new ideas.
This term we will working on contemporary fiction in English. We will be reading 'The Last Noo Noo' by Jill Murphy. Many activities will come from this story. We will be focusing on the key skills in reading and writing, using phonic knowledge to decode words from the story. We will be focusing on suffixes and writing in the past tense. The children will be writing their own story about a magic tree. We will be writing instructions and sorting phrases into questions, statements and demands.
We are starting the term by learning the language for height, mass and speed. We will be using scales to learn about balance. The children will be sequencing events, days of the week and months of the year. Our number work will include adding and subtracting one and two-digit numbers to twenty. The children will be focussed on learning their number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 50.
Our topic this term is 'materials.' We will be learning the features and properties of a variety of materials. We will be categorising materials according to different criteria. The children have a new water tray so that they can experiment with how water affects materials. We will be looking at what different materials are used for.
Our history project is 'Homes.' The children will be identifying and investigating a variety of homes today and in the past. We will be taking a walk around Potters Bar to look at the different types of housing. We will investigate similarities and differences between homes today and homes in past times. We will focus on Victorian housing. We will be learning about the features inside of homes.
This term we will be focusing on sculpture and who creates it. We will investigate the materials and tools used for sculpture. We will be looking at the work of famous artists. Once we have a thorough background knowledge and understanding we will begin our own sculptures, from manmade and natural materials.
DT/Home Project
Our design and technology project will be carried out as a 'home learning' project. As we are studying homes in history, materials in science and sculptures in art it would be fitting to design a home. The children can do this using anything they like. Parents and friends can help them. They can use shoe boxes ( I have a few) or anything they feel is appropriate. They can design a home (flat, bungalow, house, caravan, tent) or just a room in a home. They will need to choose the materials they use carefully and give reasons for their choices. This is probably their first home learning project. They have until Easter to complete it, so there is no rush. The children can take their time collecting objects and materials that they feel will be useful in their project. Please come and talk to me about this if you need further information.
The children will be using the computer suite this term. We will be working on maths seeds and keyboard skills. We will continue to discuss e-safety. The children will be taking photographs and making videos.
We will begin the term by reflecting on our families and our communities. I will be taking the children to the local church and we will focus on baptism as a ceremony. We will be learning how different religions pray and how symbols and special objects are used during prayer.
Dreams and goals will be the feature of our PSHE lessons. As it is a new year we will reflect upon what we are happy with, what we would like to change and our goals for the future. We will discuss how it feels to be afraid to try something new and how we often have obstacles to overcome. The children will learn about positive attitudes and how this can affect our lives.
If you would like to discuss any of the above please come and see me either before or after school as I am usually available.
We have introduced a 'Feelings Traffic Lights' chart so that the children can move their name to indicate that they are feeling overwhelmed by something. Sometimes children don't want to tell a teacher immediately when they have an issue, so this is a good way of them indicating they need our help. They are very excited about the chart, but I am asking them not to over-use it, as it is there for difficult feelings that they need help with.
If your child needs a change of clothes during the school day and we have changed them, could you please return the items we have lent you, as we run out very quickly!
Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school. They need plimsoles for indoor PE, with shorts and a tee-shirt. For outdoor PE they need a track suit/jogging bottoms and sweatshirt. They also need outdoor shoes/trainers for these sessions.
Many thanks
Ms Davis