Friday, 7 March 2025

 It has been such a fun filled and busy week in Year 1!


On Wednesday the children took part in a Science workshop ahead of Science Week next week. They carried out a range of activities which they thoroughly enjoyed. The finale was the opportunity to observe what happens when Mentos sweets are put in a fizzy drink. The ladies carrying out the workshop commented on how well behaved Year 1 were and their wonderful manners. Well done Year 1!

Today, Year 1 celebrated Little Heath’s World Book Day! The children all looked amazing in their World Book Day costumes. The day began with an assembly and then a workshop with the author Camilla Chester. The children then created ‘Wanted’ posters for the character they had dressed up as. In the afternoon, we completed a ‘Guess the Book Character’ riddle activity which the children really enjoyed. The children had to work out the what book character each of the 10 riddles were describing. We were able to find and answer 9 of the riddles however we struggled to find the last one. Luckily, we saw Mr Chanter walking past who had the last riddle attached to his costume. We ended the day by reading our favourite books with the children from Year 5. It was so lovely to see the Year 1’s and 5’s celebrating and enjoying books together!

Next Week:

Maths- The children will start a new topic based on length and height. They will compare and measure length using objects. They will then measure in centimetres.


English- The children will start a new topic of work based on the book ‘Leo and the Octopus’ by Isabelle Marinov. They will use the pronoun ‘I’ to talk and write about feelings. They will use imperative verbs to give advice to the character from the book.


Science- Next week is Science Week and the children will complete various activities and take park in a Planetarium workshop.


PSHE- Medicine Safety


Geography-  The children will be exploring the weather each day.


RE- The children will be learning about Eid.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: catch, hatch, match, patch, fetch, balm, calm, calf, half, palm,

Tricky words: with, this


Group 2: catch, hatch, match, patch, fetch

 Tricky words: with


Group 3 & 4: bird, girl, dirt, shirt

Tricky words: with


We hope you have a wonderful weekend


The Year 1 Team