Thursday, 27 May 2021

Week ending 28th May 2021

 Hello Year One,

What a wonderful week we have had! The sun has been shining and we were able to release the butterflies. One flew up to the treetops and the children were so happy to see it fly to freedom!

We have completed our maths project on 'Time' and it would be great to continue this at home. The children can now read o'clock and half past the hour so you can ask them to check the time at home.
Today we finished our history topic 'Famous Queens.' The children really enjoyed learning about the queens of the past and our present queen. They particularly enjoyed watching the three jubilee celebrations.

           The children have learned so much about growth and plants. They can now label the parts of a                 tree and a plant. They can describe the life cycle of a caterpillar and explain what conditions                   plants need to be healthy and grow.

            The children wrote about their feelings on returning to school after lockdown and were able to                explain what made them feel safe, comfortable, happy and therefore able to settle and enjoy                    school life again. They wrote about their favourite activities and special moments.

            I wish you all a safe and happy half term holiday and will see you on Tuesday 8th June.

            Ms Davis




Monday, 24 May 2021

Week ending 21st May 2021

 Hello Year One,

What an exciting week! The butterflies emerged and there are four! We will be setting them free this week. It has been wonderful for the children to see the whole process first hand. Thank you Poppy for giving us this experience!

We have been exploring 'time' in our maths lessons and the children learned about direction. This week we will be telling the time as in o'clock and half past the hour. 

We completed our English from the story 'Anancy and Mr Dry Bone.' This week we will be writing about the last few weeks at school, what we have enjoyed and special moments. We will also be concentrating on phonics and handwriting.

We went for a walk around the school grounds and identified several Summer flowers. We looked at trees and were able to draw and label the different parts of a tree. This week we will be doing the same with plants. 

The children watched videos of the Queen's three jubilees and imagined they were at The Diamond Jubilee. they wrote cards describing the scenes. This week we will be sorting cards into the three periods of time as we complete our work on Famous Queens.

The children created beautiful butterflies for their art lesson and enjoyed using the bright colours and glitter to decorate them.

Spellings will be coming home today.

Ms Davis

Friday, 7 May 2021

Week ending 7th May 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had a busy week. We completed our Jack and the Beanstalk topic as the children wrote their final copies of their magic bean stories. Next week's English lessons will be based around the story Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone, a West African traditional tale.

We have been learning about 'twice as long' and 'twice as many' in maths lessons and next week the children will begin division in the sense of sharing amongst groups.

Each week the children complete their bean diaries as they observe the growth of their beans. Next week we will be focusing on the caterpillars as they form their chrysalis' and finally butterflies emerge which we will set free. 

Next week we will be learning another faith story. The children thoroughly enjoyed Jonah and the Whale and can recount the story verbally. 

The history topic is engaging the children as we made Tudor masks and re-enacted a Tudor banquet.

 Next week we will be exploring the Victorian period and learning about the huge changes that took place at that time.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Ms Davis