Friday, 27 November 2020

 It has been so lovely to be back with the year 1 children again and I cant believe just how much they have grown up. They were all keen and ready to learn on Monday. I told them that if  I forget anything they must remind me. The first day was fine and they were amazing. On Tuesday they said to me that I had forgotten something really important. When I asked them what it was one child replied "you forgot to let us play" I never thought a child would say that to me as I am the one who always raises the importance of playing to learn. I did laugh for quite  a while. I am very impressed with their attitude to learning and we are working really hard to keep them focused and excited about what learning looks like in year 1. The children have been on a science walk this week and we have used our senses to create poems. We have also written poems about Autumn. In maths we have been learning about one more and one less.

Here are the spellings to learn for next week.

List 1                                                  List 2

but                                                      down

the                                                      now

and                                                      into

was                                                     want

for                                                       boat

Your child will be told on Monday which spelling to learn but please if you feel they can, learn them all.

If you have any concerns or need to communicate with me. Please send me an email.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)

Friday, 20 November 2020

 Hello all,

This week was anti bullying week at school. During the assembly Mrs Custis was discussing with the children how to recognise bullying behaviour and the ways of dealing with people who are unkind to us. The children were able to name five adults who they could talk to if someone was upsetting them.

In English the children worked on sequencing the events in the story 'Farmer Duck'. and have worked on the story maps.

The Spellings for next week

Phase 2: hop, hot, fun, fat, she

Phase3: jar, hard, card, bark, said

In Maths the children have been learning to write numbers 1-9 in digits and in words. Next week the class will be looking at place value and using base-10 equipment. 

In Science the class has been  learning about the seasons and the months of the year.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan

Friday, 13 November 2020


As you all know Miss Davis is back in school now so it is time for me to say good bye . The children are settled and very excited about having a new teacher. They couldn't say bye bye fast enough to me which really made me laugh. 

Thank you all for your support and cooperation and I send my best wishes to you and your lovely children.

Mrs Sheehan


In phonics we have been learning the tricky words: like and have. The children used the words to create sentences.

Spellings for next Friday

Phase2  hat, hug, huff, hiss, he

Phase3  high, light, night, sight, like


In Maths we continued on mastering subtraction using a bead string. The children are very good in recording subtraction through a number sentence.

On Wednesday we have celebrated the Armistice Day with two minutes silence. In English the children have made beautiful Remembrance Day posters and have created poppy necklaces, rings and crowns in art.

Hello Year One,

I am happy to say that I have made a good recovery from my operation and am back teaching Year One! It has been great meeting them and getting to know their characters. 

Reading Books

The children will be able to change their books as often as they like. We will monitor this of course, but they may want a new book daily and this will now be possible. Please discuss this with your children when you hear them read every day. If you and your child decide that they would like a new book the following day they are able to change the book first thing in the morning. 

We will hear every child read at least once a week and ensure they are changing their books regularly. If you have any questions about this please let me know.


We have five jumpers in school that cannot be identified. If your child has lost a jumper or cardigan please let me know.


As the colder weather has started to arrive the children will need track suits and trainers for outdoor PE lessons. They will still need shorts, t-shirts and plimsoles for indoor lessons. 

PE lessons are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Please leave the PE kit in school all week. If you want to take it home on Fridays to wash it you can, but taking them home at the end of each half term is sufficient.

Next Week's Work


We will be covering phonics daily. The children will learn new spellings. There will be a sentence structure activity and our main focus will be on the story 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury. The children will learn about story sequences and character descriptions. 


Numbers to ten and some more. We will be looking at the benchmarks 0, 5 and 10 and their relationship to the numbers one to ten.

We will be making greater than ten and building numbers to twenty. We will be looking at place value and using base-10 equipment. 


The children will be learning about the seasons, with a focus on seasonal changes.


We will be learning about the Jewish celebration of Hannukah. The children will role play the story that the celebration originates from. 


We will be talking about how we can work well with others and recognise that our  choices have consequences.

I wish you all a very restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 6 November 2020

 Hello all,

This week our learning was based on the 'Owl babies' story. The children have learnt many interesting owl facts and have created owls in art. We have decided to make a woodland role play area in our classroom and went outside to collect sticks and leaves for an owl nest. We were very lucky to find a big tree branch which has made a great addition to our role play area. The children were very excited creating the props for their play.

Tricky words game

Fireworks experiment
On Thursday we have been learning about about the history of the Bonfire Night and we have discussed the firework safety.


In English we have been working on describing pictures and writing our own sentences.

The children were introduced to new tricky words: said and so.

Next week we will learn the word: like. We will write about our likes and dislikes.

Spellings for next week- We will have the spelling test on Friday.

Phase 2 words: bag, bus, mop, did, the

Phase 3 words: my, quiz, queen, rain, sail


This week in maths we have started learning subtraction. We have used different props to help us to understand the concept of taking away and we have worked on recording subtractions.

In PE the children have been working on their upper body strength and on skipping skills. They have discussed the effect of exercise on their heart rate.

This week in class I have taught the class how to use Microsoft Teams - this is an online learning platform. The children have been given their own emails and passwords to log onto Teams. We will be using this platform should we need to work from home as per the guidance given by the DFE. 

 You should have been sent a step-by-step guide how on how to use Microsoft Teams and we will be producing a video showing you exactly how to navigate the programme which will be on our blog.

 In order for us all to become familiar with this system we would like you to have a practise this weekend at sending a response to us via teams. As a practise exercise, I would like the children to login to Teams and type five of our spelling words: bag, bus, mop, did, the. I understand that the children will need your help to complete this task, but with time and practise they will gain more independence. We will continue to work on our computer skills at school.

I have placed the cards with login details in children's book bags.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Sheehan