Friday, 13 December 2019

Week ending 13th December 2019

Hello Year One,

What a busy week we have had! The Christmas performances went so well. The children really enjoyed all the singing and dancing. They were fantastic and carried off an amazing show!


For our last week of the Autumn Term we will be completing all our projects and working on maths and English. The children will be making rain gauges and writing weather reports. They will be
writing the Christmas Story after our visit to Christ Church Thursday morning. The staff at the church will be telling The Christmas Story. On Wednesday they will enjoy their Christmas party and a visit from Santa. We will be writing letters to the pixies and telling Winter stories. 
On Friday the children will be watching a pantomime. School finishes at 2pm on Friday. The children will take their PE kits home.

I wish you all a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Ms Davis


Friday, 6 December 2019

Week ending 6th December 2019

Hello Year One,

We have been rehearsing for the Christmas production this week. The children have enjoyed this, especially when they got to dress up in their costumes.
The main dress rehearsal will be Monday morning , when the children perform to the school. The show will then be performed Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
We also have Christmas lunch on Thursday and the children watch a movie in the afternoon.
We will be continuing with our lessons.

Next Week


We will continue to work with odd and even numbers. The children will be focusing on their number bonds to twenty, and place value.


This week the children wrote some amazing poems about Autumn. They are on display in the classroom, so you can see them at the open afternoon on Wednesday after school.
Next week we will be moving on to Winter poetry and the children will be incorporating rhyming couplets into their work. They will also be using Winter shapes to write their poems on.


The children will complete their sliders and can spend some time creating puppet shows with their work.


We will be drawing and colouring Winter pictures to accompany our poetry display. You will be able to see this on Wednesday.


The children will be learning facts about the four seasons and playing a quiz game in pairs to reinforce the learning.


  • Please ensure your child's costume is in school by Monday
  • I have enough bottles to make the rain gauges now, thank you for your help with this
  • If your child has had a change of clothes at school, please could you return them
Have a super weekend and enjoy the performance next week.

Ms Davis