Saturday 6 July 2024

 Good morning,


I apologise for the delay in posting the Year 1 blog.

This week the children finished their explanation topic based on bugs. They described the appearance and movement of their own imaginary bug, explained its life cycle and wrote about what it likes to eat.


In Maths, the children finished their topic based on position and direction.


In Geography, they looked at the physical and human features that they could see in a range of images from China.


PSHE – We spoke about what the children are looking forward to in Year 2.


Science- the children explored the Seasons and discussed signs of Summer.


Yesterday afternoon, the children really enjoyed using clay to make their imaginary bug. Please see the photos below.


Next week:


Maths- The children will begin their new topic based on money.


English- The children will be starting a new topic based on poetry and building vocabulary. They will read and respond to free verse poetry, they will generate vocabulary from picture prompts, identify words and phrases to describe and at the end of the week they will perform their poem.


D&T- The children will paint the bug they made with clay.


Transition day- On Thursday the children will visit their new teacher in Year 2.




There will be no new spellings set for the rest of the school term. In class, we will be practising the common exception words for Year 1. I will send home at sheet of these words on Monday.


Sharing assembly- Monday 8th July @ 9:00am


Transition day- Thursday 11th July


PTA Friday Fun Day - Friday 12th July 3:10pm-5:30pm


We hope you have a wonderful weekend. 


The Year 1 Team.