Friday 28 June 2024

Good evening all,


It was lovely to see so many of you for Parent Consultations on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss how amazing your children have done this year. I am so proud of all their hard work and achievements!

This afternoon the children had lots of fun at the Year 6 ‘Apprentice’ event; please see photos below.


Next week:


Maths- The children will be using the vocabulary ‘left, right, forward, backwards, above’ and ‘below’ to describe position. They will also learn about ordinal numbers.


English- The children will use their individual ideas and vocabulary to plan and sequence their own bug’s life cycle at each stage of growth. They will also describe the appearance and movement of their newly invented bug.


Geography – The children will find continue to learn about Shanghai.


PSHE – We will talk about what the children are looking forward to in Year 2.


D&T- The children will use clay to make the bug that they invented in English. Towards the end of the week they will paint them.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: station, action, mission, mansion, special, social, precious

Tricky words: friend, hour, many, through


 Group 2: station, action, mission, mansion, special, social, precious

Tricky words: hour, many


Group 3 and 4: take, same, time, like, home, woke

Tricky words: could, would


Group 5: book, hook, foot, wood

Tricky word: she



Break the Rules Day - Friday 5th July


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 Team.