In English, we have been
working from the story ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon. The children have used
adjectives to write sentences about Beegu’s appearance. They have also made
lists to describe how Beegu felt when her spaceship crashed down to Earth. We
have also continued with our daily phonics lessons (recapping the Phase 2 and 3
sounds and tricky words) and read in a group 3 times with an adult. Next week,
the children will begin Phase 4 phonics.
In Maths, the children have
been working hard to count on from a number, finding 1 more and counting backwards.
They have also been practising their number formation.
In History, the children are
really enjoying our topic based on ‘Toys Past and Present.’ They were so
excited telling each other what their parents, carers and grandparents liked to
played with when they were children. We looked at some old toys and described
their appearance.
In Music, the children have
been working with Mrs Lawrence to learn our harvest songs, in preparation for
the Harvest Festival assembly on Friday 4th October.
Next Week
English - The children will
continue to work from the book ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon to create lost posters,
they will also use adjectives to write about one of their friends and they will
explore and write in speech bubbles.
Maths – The children will be
finding 1 less, exploring the vocabulary ‘fewer,’ ‘more’ and ‘the same’ and
ordering groups of objects using this vocabulary.
History – The children will
be finding out what toys were like at different times in the past.
R.E. - The children will find
out about harvest traditions.
Science- The children will
begin the topic ‘animals including humans’ by naming and labelling the parts of
the human body.
Phonics Meeting
Wednesday 25th
September at 6:30pm
Reading books and reading
Please return to school no
later than Wednesday each week.
Book bags
The children will need their book bags in school every Friday to carry home their new reading books. Many Thanks.
Have an amazing weekend, let’s
hope the sun stays shining!
The Year 1 Team.