Friday, 10 May 2024


We’ve had a very busy and very enjoyable week in Year 1!


This week the children had another fantastic afternoon planting spring onions, radishes, potatoes, beetroot, lettuce and sunflowers. The children have thoroughly enjoyed planting and watering the variety of plants and vegetables and I’m sure they will be excited to see them grow over the coming weeks. We continued with our History topic ‘Famous Queens’ and we learnt all about Queen Victoria and the Victorian period. In Maths the children have been extending their understanding of place value to 50. We have been counting in 10’s and grouping objects into 10’s to help with counting larger quantities of objects. Next week we will continue to count in 10’s and I have encouraged the children to practise this at home. In English, the children have worked very hard on their non-chronological report about Bats which they completed this week  


Next week:


Maths- Using a number line up to 50, estimating on a number line up to 50 and finding 1 more and 1 less up to 50.


English- Using the story ‘Little Red and the very hungry Lion’ by Alex T Smith, the children will be writing character descriptions, making notes and creating a story map.


History- The children will be learning about Queen Elizabeth II and her reign.


Science- Identifying and naming a variety of trees.


D&T- The children will be designing their own salad.


PSHE- The children will be recognising their own qualities as a person and friend.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: mind, child, later, baking, show, grow, music, unit

Tricky words: two, eye, thought, through



Group 2: child, later, show, music

Tricky words: two, eye


Group 3 and 4: day, play, boy, joy, read, treat

Tricky words: said, you


Group 5: shop, ship, shin, fish

Tricky word: be




Phonics booster lessons

If your child has been invited to the phonics booster sessions, you will have received a letter today. Each child will be attending Monday-Thursday and the sessions will begin at 8.25am. Please ensure your child attends on time. These sessions will continue until mid-June after the phonics screening for Year One.


Class Assembly

The children are very excited to share their work with you on Friday 18th May. I will send home speaking parts on Monday. If your child has a speaking part, please practise with them as it will boost their confidence.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

The Year 1 team