Friday 17 May 2024


Good evening all,


The children were absolutely amazing today for their class assembly and we were so proud of them all. They spoke so well and sang beautifully; well done everyone!


Next week:


Maths- The children will begin their new Maths topic based on ‘multiplication and division’. They will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


English- We will continue to use the story ‘Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion’ by Alex T Smith, to write instructions, questions and recount part of the story.


History- The children will compare and contrast three famous queens.


Science- Identifying and naming parts of a flower


RE- The children will learn about the creation story


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: phone, dolphin, when, white, field, shriek, gem, magic

Tricky words: friend, once, our, because



Group 2: phone, when, field, magic

Tricky words: friend, because


Group 3 and 4: proud, found, toy, annoy, spray, say

Tricky words: all, one


Group 5: zoo, zoom, moon, soon

Tricky word: me



Sharing Assembly- Monday 20th May at 9.00am


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 team