Hello Year One,
We have had lots of fun this week! The children spent much of their free platy session building 'islands' for animals and people. They were so proud of their sculptures!
For \English we have started to work from a new book 'Mr Postmouse' by Marianne Dubec. The children love the detailed homes in the illustrations and have been enjoying describing them and writing letters to thank Mr Postmouse for all his hard work.
We have continued to practice handwriting three times a week and have been learning the spellings of high frequency words.
For maths we have been investigating measures such as length, height, mass and speed. We ended the week with a car race which the children found great fun!
For our science lesson we focused on the changes from Winter to Spring. The children are beginning to recognise season change and describe the differences between the seasons now. We also estimated how much rainfall we will have in March and will be carrying out this experiment to see who was the closest to the correct amount.
On Thursday we took our trip to the church and listened to a wonderful explanation of baptism. The children loved being inside the church and were thrilled when they were given welcome cards to decorate.