Hello Year One,
We have had a very busy week. As it has been sunny the children have been able to work outside with water, measuring and estimating capacities.
We have been working on fractions in relation to capacity and length. They have really enjoyed this as it was mainly practical maths. For English we have been writing a recount of a story, working on our handwriting, spellings and phonics. We have carried out a task whereby the children had to recognise different phonemes that make the same sound and a comprehension activity.
We travelled to Asia for our geography project and the children were able to locate China on a map of the world, colour the Chinese flag and make a Chinese dragon, which they thoroughly enjoyed.
We will be creating our own stories about finding a stick that can become many things. It will be an adventure story and I am sure the children will enjoy this.
Next week we will be learning how numbers can be different but equal in total. We will be using benchmarking to place numbers on number lines. The children will experiment with pan balances showing inequality and finally we will use known addition facts to choose efficient calculation strategies.
We are starting a new project 'Animals Including Humans.' The children will love this as they have a real passion and interest in animals. For the first session we will be identifying and naming a variety of animals.
We will travel to Australia next week to investigate the culture, the animals that live there and where it is located on a world map.
Monet is the artist we will be learning about this half term. we will explore his work and plan the painting we will create next week.
I wish you all a restful and happy weekend.
Ms Davis