Friday, 27 November 2020

 It has been so lovely to be back with the year 1 children again and I cant believe just how much they have grown up. They were all keen and ready to learn on Monday. I told them that if  I forget anything they must remind me. The first day was fine and they were amazing. On Tuesday they said to me that I had forgotten something really important. When I asked them what it was one child replied "you forgot to let us play" I never thought a child would say that to me as I am the one who always raises the importance of playing to learn. I did laugh for quite  a while. I am very impressed with their attitude to learning and we are working really hard to keep them focused and excited about what learning looks like in year 1. The children have been on a science walk this week and we have used our senses to create poems. We have also written poems about Autumn. In maths we have been learning about one more and one less.

Here are the spellings to learn for next week.

List 1                                                  List 2

but                                                      down

the                                                      now

and                                                      into

was                                                     want

for                                                       boat

Your child will be told on Monday which spelling to learn but please if you feel they can, learn them all.

If you have any concerns or need to communicate with me. Please send me an email.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)