Friday, 20 November 2020

 Hello all,

This week was anti bullying week at school. During the assembly Mrs Custis was discussing with the children how to recognise bullying behaviour and the ways of dealing with people who are unkind to us. The children were able to name five adults who they could talk to if someone was upsetting them.

In English the children worked on sequencing the events in the story 'Farmer Duck'. and have worked on the story maps.

The Spellings for next week

Phase 2: hop, hot, fun, fat, she

Phase3: jar, hard, card, bark, said

In Maths the children have been learning to write numbers 1-9 in digits and in words. Next week the class will be looking at place value and using base-10 equipment. 

In Science the class has been  learning about the seasons and the months of the year.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Sheehan