Friday 28 June 2024

Good evening all,


It was lovely to see so many of you for Parent Consultations on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss how amazing your children have done this year. I am so proud of all their hard work and achievements!

This afternoon the children had lots of fun at the Year 6 ‘Apprentice’ event; please see photos below.


Next week:


Maths- The children will be using the vocabulary ‘left, right, forward, backwards, above’ and ‘below’ to describe position. They will also learn about ordinal numbers.


English- The children will use their individual ideas and vocabulary to plan and sequence their own bug’s life cycle at each stage of growth. They will also describe the appearance and movement of their newly invented bug.


Geography – The children will find continue to learn about Shanghai.


PSHE – We will talk about what the children are looking forward to in Year 2.


D&T- The children will use clay to make the bug that they invented in English. Towards the end of the week they will paint them.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: station, action, mission, mansion, special, social, precious

Tricky words: friend, hour, many, through


 Group 2: station, action, mission, mansion, special, social, precious

Tricky words: hour, many


Group 3 and 4: take, same, time, like, home, woke

Tricky words: could, would


Group 5: book, hook, foot, wood

Tricky word: she



Break the Rules Day - Friday 5th July


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 Team.

Friday 21 June 2024

 Good evening all,


It has been a busy week for the children. The children loved Sports Day and had so much fun completing the various activities.  


In English, the children have enjoyed their new explanation unit based on the ‘Big Bug Book.’ They have been exploring the features of an explanation text and have been orally describing and writing simple sentences that describe the appearance and movement of bugs.


In Art, the children have painted a variety of bugs that have been made into a beautiful corridor display.


In Maths, the children have been recognising and finding a half of an object or shape and recognising and finding a half of a quantity.   


In Geography, the children learnt about the 7continents and they found out which continent England and China are in.


Next week:


Maths- The children will be finishing their unit based on ‘fractions’ and begin a new unit on ‘position and direction.’  


English- The children will be continuing their topic based on ‘explanation texts.’ They will be using pictures and sequencing words to explain the life cycle of a butterfly. They will also sequence simple sentences to explain the life cycle of a butterfly and design, build and draw a fictional bug.


Geography – The children will find out about what Shanghai is like.


PSHE – The children will be learning the human body parts and recognising that there are differences between males and females.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: bridge, dodge, fudge, crystal, myth, gym, large, change

Tricky words: move, improve, shoe, many



Group 2: bridge, dodge, crystal, myth, large, change

Tricky words: move, improve


Group 3 and 4: both, go, child, kind, basic, acorn  

Tricky words: Mr, Mrs


Group 5: book, hook, foot, wood

Tricky word: she



Parent Consultations

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June 2024 – please remember to book appointments on ‘Arbor.’


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 Team

Friday 14 June 2024

 Good evening all,


In English, the children finished writing their recounts based on the book ‘Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion.’ They have really enjoyed their learning based on this story and have created amazing recounts that have been made into books.


In Maths, the children have finished their topic based on ‘multiplication and division.’


In RE, the children heard the story about ‘The Prodigal Son’ and wrote about the moral of this story.


In PSHE the children have described the ways they have changed and stayed the same since they were a baby.  


Next week:

 Maths- The children will be recognising and finding a half of an object or shape, recognising and finding half of a quantity and recognising and finding a quarter of an object or shape.  


English- The children will be starting their new topic based on ‘explanation texts.’ We will be working from the book ‘The big book of bugs’ by Yuval Zommer.


Geography- Finding about where in the world is China.


Science- The children will be exploring seasonal changes from Spring to Summer.


ICT- The children will be exploring the directions left, right, forward and backwards. They will then plan routes for a ‘Beebot’ robot.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: great, break, knock, know thumb, crumb, cheer, steer

Tricky words: beautiful, pretty, hour, parents


Group 2: great, break, knock, know, thumb, cheer

Tricky words: pretty, hour


Group 3 and 4: bird, girl, pie, tie, blue, true  

Tricky words: oh, your


Group 5: oil, boil, soil, foil

Tricky word: me



Talent Show

Wednesday 18th June @ 6:30pm

Sports Day

KS1- Thursday 19th June @ 9:15am


We hope you have a fantastic weekend.


The Year 1 Team

Friday 7 June 2024


Good evening all,


We have had a very busy first week back at school after the half term holiday!


In English, the children have been working hard on their recounts based on the book ‘Little Red and the very hungry Lion.’ In phonics they have revising the Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 sounds and practising reading real and ‘alien’ words in preparation for the Phonics Screening check next week.


In Maths, the children have continued to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. They have also been recognising equals, adding equals and making arrays.


In Geography, the children have been learning about human and physical features.


In RE, the children heard the story about ‘Jonah and the Whale’ and wrote about it.  


Next week:


Maths- The children will be doubling and making equal groups. They will also begin their new Maths topic based on ‘Fractions’.


English- The children will be finishing their recounts of the story ‘Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion.’


Geography- Mapping the local area.


Science- The children will learn about deciduous and evergreen trees.


RE- The children will hear the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and they will write about a time they have helped someone in need.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: shirt, first, paw, straw, tie, fried, blew, grew

Tricky words: friend, whole, they, busy



Group 2: shirt, first, paw, straw, blew, grew

Tricky words: they, busy


Group 3 and 4: seat, beach, may, clay, loud, round

Tricky words: were, here


Group 5: hen, pen, ten, men

Tricky word: I


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 Team