Friday 17 December 2021

Week ending 17th December 2021

 Hello Year One,

We had great fun this week as we packed so many Christmas activities in before breaking up for the holidays. 

The Christmas performance will be available for you to watch on video. You will be informed when and how to download it.

The children loved the party this afternoon and we played lots of games.

Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts it was very kind of you. Mrs Reusch asked me to post a thank you on the blog too. Mrs Alimadadi was not here today so I will deliver her gifts during the holidays.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in January.

Ms Davis and Mrs Reusch


Friday 10 December 2021

Week ending 10th December 2021

 Dear Year One,

We have had a busy week! We are ready to perform 'Bethlehem Is Buzzin!' next week as our dress rehearsal today was successful.

The children are still enjoying fun in the grotto!

For English this week we have been working on split vowel digraphs a-e, i-e and e-e. The children carried out a comprehension task which they completed successfully. We explored rhyming words and went on to write Christmas poems which are wonderful!
For maths we have been looking at making equal groups with the whole being the same and the parts being different. We have been counting in twos, fives and tens and working on our number bonds to five, ten and twenty.

Next Week

The children have worked so hard to learn the songs, actions and dances for the Christmas production. We will be watching a pantomime on Friday and visiting Christ Church on Thursday afternoon to hear The Christmas Story.


The children will be working on developing their comprehension skills by answering questions after reading a text. We will be writing the middle and ending of a Christmas story and continuing to work on split vowel digraphs during our phonics lessons. 


We will explore equivalent values and make equal values using symbols to record. This will be followed by showing equal values on tens frames. We will continue with counting in twos, tens and fives and learning our number bonds to five, ten and twenty.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday 3 December 2021

Week ending 3rd December 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had such a fun packed week! The arrival of the Christmas Grotto and Santa's Workshop caused great excitement and enjoyment. The children made plasticine models as gifts and wrapped them in the workshop. They made Christmas cards outside too and at one point we heard the very faint sound of some bells!

We have been rehearsing for the Christmas Production which is very exciting!
We have continued with our learning and this week we wrote a book review, completed sentences correctly, wrote a letter and used adjectives to describe the grotto.
For maths we have been exploring fewer than and more than. We have been finding the difference between two numbers and learning to count in fives.
For Art we looked at the work of Claude Monet and sketched the other half of one of his paintings. We then used pastel crayons to recreate the style of impressionism.

Next week we will focus on English and maths. For English we will be exploring rhyme, writing a poem about Christmas and carrying out a comprehension task. For maths we will be be looking at equal values, recording using symbols, and continuing work on number by counting in twos.

We are looking forward to our Christmas lunch on Wednesday and the children will be having a 'movie' afternoon afterwards. 

Wishing you all a very peaceful weekend.
Ms Davis

Next week

Friday 26 November 2021

Week ending 26th November 2021

Hello Year One,

We have had a very busy week as the children have been learning the songs for the Christmas Production. Here is the link if you would like to share the songs at home.

You will need to go into You Tube to access this link.

For our English lessons this week we have been planning letter writing as next week the children will write to Aunty Goosey taking on the role of the duck in our story. We have also begun to explore adjectives and have continued working on sentence structure. We are revisiting all phase five phonic sounds and the children are learning to spell decodable and tricky words on a daily basis. Handwriting is improving as we cover this three times a week.

We have continued to work on grouping and the children are more confident when using cherry models, number sentences and bar models now. We continue to practise number bonds to ten and above.

The children retold the story of Hannukah, which they really enjoyed and are becoming very familiar with festivals of light.

For science the focus was on weather symbols. The children picked this up quite quickly so you can ask them to read you the weather forecast tomorrow!


We will be rehearsing for the next two weeks but lessons will continue around this.


The children will be pleased to use their letter plans to write to Aunty Goosey! They will be working on sentence structure. I want the children to write in sentences that make sense and include correct punctuation. They need to remember to write on the lines and use finger spaces between each word.

We will continue to explore adjectives and they will be used in their writing. Handwriting will be practised three times next week and we will work on spellings and phonics every day.


The focus for next week's maths lessons will be recognising the difference between two numbers, the difference when counting objects in groups and on playing cards. We will continue with number bonds and we are spending some time at the moment on writing numbers as many children are writing them the wrong way round.


Next week we will begin to look at the final festival of light - Christmas and the Nativity Story.


As we explore the work of Monet the children will be completing the other half of his paintings. We will be using water colour paints.


  • Thank you for the amazing Christmas decorations. I am thrilled as I want to create a really exciting grotto for the children outside the classroom. It will double up as an elf's workshop as they can use their imaginations to play production of gifts for children!
Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday! 
Ms Davis

Friday 19 November 2021

Week ending 19th November 2021

 Hello Year One, 

We have had a very busy week. The highlight being the Diwali workshop, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

The children also finished painting and varnishing their Diwali divas and we turned all the candles on and danced! They really loved this!

We have been working on subtraction in maths and the children are beginning to understand number sentences now. The important thing is to help them develop the mathematical language for subtraction such as minus, the difference between, take away, subtract, fewer than and less than.

In our English lessons we have been exploring verbs, reconstructing incorrect sentences and summarising the key events in a story.



Next  week we will be exploring adjectives and using them in our sentences. We will be writing instructions from the bossy farmer to the duck in our story and creating a map as a plan for writing a postcard from the duck to her Aunt!


We are going to continue with subtraction by writing number sentences and looking at the cherry (whole/part model) and the bar model.


The children will begin to explore the work of Claude Monet. We will begin by sketching one of his famous paintings.


Next week the children will be looking at the symbols we use to report the weather. We will be setting up an experiment to measure rainfall.


The children will write/draw a recount of the Hannukah Story.


Thank you so much for all your support with the costumes for the Christmas performance and the decorations for the grotto. It really helps and is greatly appreciated.

There will be no spellings on the blog this week as we are introducing a new system which we will be using in class over the next two weeks.

Have a restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis


Friday 12 November 2021

Year One week ending 12th November 2021

 Hello Year One,

We had a great time creating our Gingerbread Man Sliders!

This week we completed our Diwali topic and created Rangoli patterns and Diyas (clay oil lamps).
They are beautiful and I will share pictures of them next week after our special Diwali dance day on Tuesday 16th November. The children will be experiencing a Diwali dance workshop and I hope to light the (LED) candles in their diyas to create a festival atmosphere.

This week we have continued to work from the book Farmer Duck. The children focussed on how the duck must be feeling and used speech bubbles and captions to complete the task.
We have continued to recognise verbs in our reading and writing and this will carry on next week.

It was great to see that the children had learned their spellings! They did really well! thank you for supporting them with this.

For our maths lessons we have been learning to regroup numbers to ten. The children are counting backwards from thirty now and can name one more and one less for most numbers up to 30.

The children chose their parts for the Christmas show today. They will all be singing and some children will be dancing. When they are in Year Two they will have speaking parts. Please could the children bring a named plastic bag into school next week. This is for their costume. We have most costumes but there may be added bits that we will ask you to send in.

Next Week


We will continue to focus on verbs next week and the children will work on sentence structure. They will summarise the key events of the story Farmer Duck and will create a list of instructions for the farmer to give to the duck.


We begin to focus on subtraction next week. A lot of emphasis is given to the language of subtraction such as:
  • I can see that 9 can be split into 6 and 3
  • I started with 9 and took 6 away and I had 3 left
  • 6 taken away from 9 is 3
  • Six less than nine is three
  • 9 minus 6 is 3
  • 9 minus 6 equals 3
  • I subtract six from nine leaving three
We will be working on number sentences for subtraction.


We will be looking at changes to the weather as Winter begins. The children will make a rain gauge and estimate and record rainfall over the coming weeks. This will be recorded in a class bar chart as we go through the year.


We will complete our diyas next week as they just need to be varnished. 


The children will hear the story of Hannukah and use puppets to re-tell the story.










The children will bring their spelling lists home on Monday.


  • A reminder that we are collecting Christmas decorations for our KS1 grotto outside. Anything you have spare or that is no longer wanted would be so welcome.
  • A reminder to bring a named plastic bag in to school next week for the children's costume
  • Please could I ask parents to congregate outside the door when collecting children. There is plenty of room under the shelter. I can't let the children go until I actually see their parent/carer, so this would be very helpful.
Have a restful and happy weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday 5 November 2021

Week ending 5th November 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been a great first week back with lots of new and exciting projects. The children made their own moving  picture stories for The Gingerbread Man. 

We have started a new story to work from in English lessons called 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury. We are having great fun with this story. This week the children predicted what would happen to the poor duck who did all the work on the farm! They also revised nouns and began exploring verbs. We have phonics and handwriting lessons every day.

For maths the children have been regrouping numbers to ten. We have been learning our number bonds to 5, 10 and 20. The children have learned how to show grouping on bead strings, cherry models and tens frames.

We are learning about festivals of light this term and we talked about Diwali. If anyone celebrates this festival and would like to bring items to school to share this would be fabulous. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and the children wrote a recount.

We went outside on a very sunny day this week and watched as the weather gradually changed. We noticed light coloured clouds arriving which partially blocked the sun and waited for the dark rain clouds to make it much darker. We had to run back into school as it began to rain. The children drew amazing diagrams of this happening!

Next Week


We will continue working from 'Farmer Duck' and will be writing about duck's feelings. We will contune our work on sentence structure and verbs.


 We will be learning about addition and subtraction next week.


We will continue to think about Diwali next week and the children will create Rangoli patterns and make divas (oil lamps) from clay.


We will start to think about the wild animals now that it is getting colder. We will research where they will go and what they will do as Winter approaches.


We will continue to look at differences and similarities between us.


As Christmas is coming I am beginning to make preparations for a Santa's Grotto for the children.If you have any decorations that are no loner needed I could gladly use them. I am asking for anything you have, lights, tinsel, baubles, Xmas trees or any other decoration. 

Thank you any donations would be great!

You will have received spelling lists today. This will be a regular Friday event from now on. The children should learn them at home and school throughout the coming week ready for the test on the following Friday. The spellings will also be on the blog every week. Your children will know which group they are in.



































Friday 22 October 2021

Week ending 22nd October 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had a busy and exciting week, ending in today's 'spooky costume' day. The children loved this, especially when we danced to halloween songs.

We finished many projects this week. The children wrote their own endings for the story 'Chicken Licken' and completed their party lists. They had great fun with this!
We have finished our 'animals including humans' project and our history topic on 'Toys.'

Week beginning 1st November 2021


The focus text will be Here comes Farmer Duck by Martin Wadell and Helen Oxenbury. The children will be learning how to make predictions when reading a story, learn about verbs and continue to work on constructing sentences.
We will have daily handwriting and phonics lessons the first week back and we will begin to read in groups every day. 


The children will be representing numbers to ten in many ways through regrouping. They will match values to mathematical models using increasingly complex regrouping. We will be exploring the language of addition and working on number bonds to five, ten and twenty.


We will be starting to learn about the weather, understanding changes in the weather and the force of the sun. We will be investigating what happens when the sun goes behind a cloud.


This half term we explore festivals of light from many religions. We will be staring with the Hindu festival Diwali. We will be learning the story of Rama and Sita in the first week.


The children will make Diwali oil lamps.

I wish you all a very happy and restful half term.

Ms Davis

Friday 15 October 2021

Week ending 15th October 2021

 Hello Year One,

We began a new story this week called Chicken Licken. I'm sure many of you remember it as it is a very popular traditional tale. The children enjoy the repetitiveness of the story and it helps them focus on the sequence of the tale. We read the story and the children got into groups and created a role play following the sequence well. This was followed by writing the sequence of events as a story. 

We have continued to work on more and less in maths and our number bonds to ten and twenty.

The children drew Autumn pictures and wrote about their findings from the walk we went on a couple of weeks ago. 

For PSHE we talked about the feeling of being proud and the children drew pictures and wrote about moments in their lives when they felt this way.


As it is officially Black History Month I told the story of Rosa Parks this week. The children were able to role play the story and write about the bravery of Rosa Parks. We celebrated black sportspeople, singers and musicians.  



We will continue to work on split vowel digraphs in our phonics sessions. Next week we will look at o-e and u-e.

The children learned the vowels this week and we will continue this with a vowel recognition lesson next week.

Their handwriting is improving dramatically and they should all feel very proud of this achievement. We will continue to have handwriting lessons three times next week.

The children will also be writing a different ending to the story of Chicken Licken. They should find this fun as they will be working in pairs.


We will be working on our number bonds next week. This is something you can practise at home. Start with number to five, then ten and finally to twenty if they are really fluent.

The children will continue to learn about sequencing in maths and we will focus on counting on with number lines.


Please can you ensure that children do not use the playground equipment or Year One's outside area to play with before and after school.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at parent's evening next week.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

many thanks 

Ms Davis

Friday 8 October 2021

Week ending 8th October 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been a very busy week as we spent Tuesday morning in the local woods and Friday morning singing for Harvest Festival.

The walk was great! We were very lucky with the weather. Thank you to all the parents and helpers that came with us. It made the trip easy to manage and the children got so much more from it by being in small groups. We are studying Autumn at the moment so it gave us the opportunity to see the changes that have occurred in our local environment. It was also good fun. The children loved going over a 'style' and were fascinated by it. We talked about the reason for styles when we returned to the classroom and they heard the story about the old woman who had a pig that would not jump over the style. 



The children will be ordering values, noticing which numbers are missing in number lines, or which numbers are in the wrong place. They will be ordering values according to different criteria. We will move on to ordering consecutive numbers, linking, counting and sequencing numbers.


We are beginning to write in sentences now. The children are familiar with capital letters and full stops and have been taught question marks and exclamation marks. They are learning to write from one side of the page to the other rather than in list format. We will be continuing to work on this.
The children's handwriting is improving as they are beginning to ensure each letter sits on the line and how to form the letters. We are currently working on this three times a week.
As I will be reading a story with a repetitive pattern this week the children will sequence the events in the story as well as the steps we took when we went for our Autumnal walk.


The children have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding about the changes that occur in Autumn and this week they will be writing about this and illustrating their findings with diagrams and pictures.


Last week we began to study the work of the artist Lowry. The children were fascinated by his paintings and enjoyed creating their own representations. Next week we will focus on the matchstick people and use straws to recreate them.

I wish you all a happy weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday 1 October 2021

Week ending 1st October 2021

 Hello Year One,

This week we had a big focus on construction and the children were set six challenges around the classroom to complete. They had to build houses from blocks, a stone tower, a lego model, a gift to take home for someone in their family and a church. Some children took it further and the most beautiful spider's web was made from a bag and sticky tape.

Have a look at the pictures below.

We also learned about conservation of number for maths and sentence structure in English lessons, alongside handwriting, phonics and spellings.

For RE the children created amazing journeys of food to represent the harvest from the sea, the garden and from grain. They drew pictorial maps of the journey of the food from being harvested to ending up on our dinner plates!

For history this week we continued to think about different types of toys such as moving toys, outdoor toys and building toys. We sorted pictures of toys into different categories and found that long ago there were more outdoor toys and now there are more puzzles and games.



We will continue to learn our phonics and practise handwriting. We will be going for a walk in the woods on Tuesday (weather dependent) and the children will sequence the events from the journey.
I will need to adults to accompany us on the walk to the local woods.
We will leave school after the register at 9am so if you would like to come please let me know.
The children will also hear the story of Chicken Licken and will role play the story sequence.
We will also be continuing to work on sentence structure.


Next week we begin a sequence of work on number. The children will be learning more and less than a given number, comparing visual groups of objects to recognise numbers and find the odd one out in a sequence. They will count varied representations of number, find fewer and more than, one more and one less and how to represent this pictorially.


We will be going on a trip to the local woods to collect a few natural objects and notice the changes in the outdoor environment. This will be followed by observational drawing and painting, and a pictorial representation of what Autumn is all about.


The children will be drawing self-portraits this week and will carry out observational paintings of the objects collected on our walk.

Please let me know if you are able to accompany us on our walk on Tuesday morning. We should return to school by 10am.

Have a great weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday 24 September 2021

Week ending 24th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had an extremely busy week! We completed two art projects. the Gaudi mosaics are finished and up on our board in the corridor. We also completed our bonfire pictures ready for the school competition. The children really enjoyed painting with their hands.

We have also focussed on sentence structure this week and the children learned 'Kung Fu Punctuation.'
If you ask them about it I am sure they will show you the moves!
Next Week


We will continue to work on sentence structure and will use 'Kung Fu' punctuation to help us remember! I will be introducing nouns and proper nouns next week. The children will also be creating rhymes.


The children will be using a variety of equipment to subitise (which means recognising an amount without having to count it) and they will be playing different games to enhance this concept.


Next week we will be thinking about the materials toys are made from and categorising them accordingly. When we have completed the task we will look at the data and see what old toys were made of compared to the toys we have today.


Our focus next week will be Autumn and I am hoping to take the children outside to collect leaves  etc as we will be looking at the changes from Summer to Autumn. We will talk about the weather and how we expect it to change. We also look at what happens to wild animals as the weather gets colder.


We will be drawing the leaves we collect from outside.

Religious Education

We have been given a harvest box from the church which is full of exciting things which will bring this festival to life. 

I wish you all a very happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis