Friday 18 December 2020

The Elves have arrived.

 Happy Elf Day everyone.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Happy Christmas

 Thank you so much for the vouchers, it is very kind of you all and I am already planning my next pair of Dr Martens. Miss Neal is looking at some new converse. It has been a pleasure teaching the children over the last 4 weeks especially as we parted in March very suddenly due to lockdown and we never got the chance to transition in the normal way. It actually means that they have been with me for 3 years and I have seen them grow and become independent learners. It is a very satisfying feeling. 

I will be returning to Foundation after Christmas but will be keeping my eye on them.

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas. Fingers crossed that we can move forward next year once we get our vaccinations. By the way I AM AT THE FRONT OF THE QUEUE!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas

Mrs R:)

Monday 14 December 2020

Merry Christmas from all of us.

Happy Christmas from year 1

Friday 11 December 2020


 The elf has finally disappeared, I cant possibly think where he has gone but I have to say I am not sorry!!!!!!! He may have gone to help Santa or to the great elf recycling plant in the sky. I do take my hat off to you all for persevering with the elf on the shelf at home haha. As a result of  his departure  the children have done some fantastic work and have  tried really hard in all their learning.  We have learnt about animals that hibernate in the Winter and we have written a recount of what we did at the weekend. In maths we have been exploring doubling and continued to look at odd and even numbers. We even had time to write a letter to Father Christmas.

On Friday we had our Christmas lunch together and enjoyed singing and dancing in the classroom in our own bubble. I am definitely looking forward to the day when we can pop every bubble and become one.

I do believe it is now officially count down time and I am going to be giving the children time to be really creative with lots of fun activities next week. Don't forget it is elf day on Friday so the children can dress up as an elf. I will be wearing my usual take on the theme!!. We will not be having a spelling test next week so there are no spelling to learn, but that does not mean they cant find some words to spell themselves. Maybe try a Christmas spelling quiz with them over the weekend.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)

Friday 4 December 2020

 We have had a busy  week in year 1 with lots of Christmas excitement. The children told me all about the elves that have moved into their homes. I made the unfortunate mistake of inviting one into the classroom without realising that he has to do lots of things when we are not around. I was a little naive to say the least as every morning the children spend 5 minutes debriefing me as to what he has been up to. I am not sure I will be able to keep it up until the end of term!

The children have been working really hard and they are producing some excellent work in their books. We have been learning about predictable phrasing and have used the story of the three little pigs as our focus. The children have written and acted out the story in groups, learning how to act and project their voices. We had lots of big bad wolves.

 In maths we have been learning about one more and one less. We have also started to learn how to double numbers.

Spellings for next week:

List 1                                                   List 2

do                                                        just                                            

now                                                     what

my                                                       like

wish                                                     after

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)